This article in 2003 by John Dean was my first introduction to the ways of Alberto Gonzales:White House Counsel Alberto Gonzales's Texas Execution Memos:
How They Reflect on the President, And May Affect Gonzales's
Supreme Court ChancesBy JOHN W. DEAN
White House counsel Alberto Gonzales is said to be on President
Bush's short list of potential nominees for the U.S. Supreme Court.
Unlike other nominees, such as D.C. Circuit nominee Miguel Estrada,
it turns out that Gonzales has left quite a paper trail - in the form
of fifty-seven death-penalty memoranda he prepared for then-Texas
Governor George Bush.
The memos were initially confidential, meant for the Governor alone.
They have not themselves been published. But they have been reviewed
by writer Alan Berlow of The Atlantic Monthly, and his report on
their contents is disturbing indeed.
The Gonzales execution memos raise serious - and, unfortunately ugly -
questions, not because of what they say, rather because of what they
fail to say. They also suggest that President Bush's earlier claims
about how he, in fact, handled clemency requests as Governor of Texas
are less than accurate.