Sounds like they have not yet brought Scowcroft to heel.
Things are getting better. Things are getting better every day.
U.S. Expert Says Iraqi Election Could Trigger Civil War
By Ronald Brownstein, Times Staff Writer
January 6, 2005,0,6459714.story?coll=la-home-headlines. . .
Rather than leading toward stability, Scowcroft said he feared the election would further alienate Iraq's Sunni Muslim population and "has a great potential for deepening the conflict." He added: "Indeed, we may be seeing an incipient civil war (in Iraq) at the present time."
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At the forum, Zbigniew Brzezinski, who was national security adviser to President Carter, also offered a grim prognosis of conditions in Iraq. Brzezinski said the United States could meet its goals of producing a reasonably stable Iraqi government "if we are willing to put in 500,000 troops, spend $200 billion a year, probably have the draft and have some kind of wartime taxation."
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Scowcroft said he believed the insurgency in Iraq already "is gradually morphing" from a resistance by elements of the former regime into a broader "Sunni revolt" driven by fear that the Shiite Muslim majority will elect a government controlled by its own members.
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Scowcroft said that if the balloting produced an election dominated by Shiite Muslims, "that could in fact turn the Sunnis to revolution and civil war against a Shia government."
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