the same week CNN’s “Crossfire” went off the air, the sparring shifted to the Capitol with Democrats forcing a historic debate over the 2004 election returns. Compare that to four years ago, when every Democratic senator sat silently as members of the Congressional Black Caucus challenged the voting results. Without a single senator to vouch for them, the complaint went unheeded and Vice President Al Gore certified an election everybody knew was rife with irregularities.
California Sen. Barbara Boxer broke the logjam this time and forced the debate, defying conventional wisdom, which said the Democrats didn’t want to appear sore losers and it was time to move on. Boxer was the lone voice to decertify the election when the roll call was taken, but Democrats got two hours of debate in the Senate and House to vent their displeasure with the way the election was conducted. It wasn’t about John Kerry losing; it was about the voters in Ohio and not having enough voting machines, and making people wait in line for seven hours.