Stategy for destroying the Democratic Party
Recent articles printed in the conservative Democratic Leadership Council’s (DLC) Blueprint Magazine articulate more bluntly then ever before a strategy of moving the Democratic Party even further to the right, or the “center” as they like to call it. According to the DLC, then and only then can Democrats again become a majority party in the United States.
Here is what founder and CEO of the Democratic Leadership Council Al From had to say in a recent piece for his organization’spublication:
“We can’t let those hearts
be closed to us again. First and foremost, we need to bridge the trust gap on national security by spelling out our own offense against terrorism and clearly rejecting our anti-war wing, so that Republicans can no longer portray us as the anti-war party in the war on terrorism. We must leave no doubt that Michael Moore neither represents nor defines our party. Blueprint Magazine, Dec. 13, 2004”
. . .Bush’s appeal was more the perception of him as a solid leader with qualities such as constancy and integrity that appealed most to voters. Kerry’s image as a liberal flip flopper that voted oneway but talked another while running for president (an accurate portrayal in many respects) is what killed him. Had he been a bit more like Dennis Kucinich or Howard Dean and demonstrated a willingness to speak out against the war, admitting in the process had he known then what he knows now he never would have supported the Iraq resolution in the first place, things would probably have turned out quite differently.
Though From and Marshall don’t acknowledge it in their articles, other prominent conservative Democrats like former Congressman, member of the 9/11 Commission, and now candidate for the Democratic National Committee (DNC) chairmanship Roy Roemer are also arguing we back away from or “tone down” the rhetoric on choice and gayrights. Democrats need to be “more tolerant” of men like Roemer whoare not all that thrilled women have achieved at least a degree of equal rights with men when it comes to control over their bodies. This, along with dismissing the 80% or so of Democrats that don’t support the war will successfully “broaden our appeal” and enable usto win again. It seems these people believe the only way to save the“big tent” of the Democratic Party is to throw most of the people in it out into the cold.