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A House Divided

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dubyaD40web Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jan-11-05 10:18 AM
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A House Divided
A House Divided

Once again the majority of our Democratic leaders in Washington went into the dying cockroach position instead of standing up to the Republican war machine. Except for a few in the House and only one in the Senate, our Party is run by a bunch of eunuchs who are more interested in covering their political careers than working for the good of the nation. Although one could use this as an excuse to leave the Party that is a very unwise course to take. Instead, what we need to do is bring our Party back to its core beliefs and leave the pantywaist Democrats in Washington twisting in the wind. No longer can we as a Party accept anything less than the values that brought the Democratic Party into existence.

We need to become wolves in sheep's clothing and make our voice louder than the incessant caterwauling of the poor put upon Republicans. We must begin to become more vocal about how this country is being ripped off by the criminals who are in control of the government. The ability to control the debate is not an easy task to undertake but it can be done if we are smart enough to learn from our adversaries and expand upon the lessons they taught us.

The first and foremost obstacle we must overcome is to seize control of the language used during the debate. In the same way that Newt Gingrich was able to reinvent the words used to describe a piece of legislation or political philosophy, we must take on the challenge of definition. We must make the description of being a conservative as distasteful as the neo-cons were able to make the word liberal was in the nineties. The people need to be taught that a conservative is nothing more than a festering pustule upon the buttock of America that needs to be excised from the body politic. We must use the ten second sound bite to our advantage and even stoop as low as the Republicans by parsing words and creative innuendo to achieve success.

The next step to saving our Party is to become the Party of opposition again. Those who supposedly represent us must be made aware that if they do not let their testicles drop and start fighting back, they will no longer garner our support. We need candidates who will stand up for our beliefs and not put their tail between their legs when the Republicans bark. We need one house member who can be an effective anvil against the hammer, someone who can break down the resistance of those who have not made up their mind about any certain issue.


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jn2375 Donating Member (858 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jan-11-05 10:20 AM
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1. great post, you are so right!
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