Boxer stood up for voting rights
The United States -- a country that preaches the virtues of democracy -- imposes (forces) our ideals on others around the world. Yet our highest government fails to adequately address the critical issues of voting irregularities and voter disenfranchisement of its own citizens.
Since the formation of our nation, our U.S. government has an unconscionable history of denying voter rights to minority groups such as women, non-whites and immigrants. It is a tragic and frustrating irony to see history keep repeat itself.
I applaud the courage of Sen. Barbara Boxer, Rep. Stephanie Tubbs Jones and other congressional leaders who, in the face of a patronizing, hostile and disrespectful Republican majority, stood up to object to the certification of the presidential election results. They did our country a service by speaking out and demanding that we protect each citizen's right to vote.
Please cover this important issue by giving it the exposure it deserves. Every American should support election integrity.