Now is the right time to prepare for the fight for freedom from the draft. The draft will be very unpopular with many Americans, which is one reason to start organizing against it now. The draft is also an effective way to talk about the moral issues around the war. While the draft may make sense to start again in peacetime, during an illegal and immoral occuation is the wrong time to advance a draft. The biggest question is what will happen right after the next terrorist attack in the US? Will the Bush adminstration use an attack to advance the draft?
News on the youth draft and the skilled worker draft:
A draft - with options: If we can't send 500,000 troops, spend $500 billion and agree to resume the draft, then the conflict should be "terminated.": Service prepares alternative service programs: on the poverty draft and the backdoor draft:
Republican Leader Frist Says U.S. Forces Stretched Thin in Iraq: recruiters find reluctance over combat hinders duty on current soliders who are morally refusing to participate in the occupation:,1413,207%7E12044%7E2634289,00.htmlNews on the immoral and illegal occupation of Iraq: