By Larry Lipman
Palm Beach Post Staff Writer
Sunday, January 09, 2005
<snip> "Social Security is like a car with a flat tire," said Peter Orszag, a senior fellow with the Brookings Institution who has helped design a plan to bring the program into fiscal balance without private accounts. "We should fix the flat tire... not borrow to buy a new car." <snip>
"Dismantling a system that is fundamentally sound, and that even pessimists predict will not run into serious problems for 40 years, simply doesn't make sense," wrote Bernard Wasow, a senior fellow with the Century Foundation, in a pamphlet titled Scare Tactics: Why Social Security Is Not In Crisis. <snip>
"I think this is ideologically driven and it's part and parcel of what is a long-run objective, that will continue after the Bush administration, to repeal the social insurance system that we have been putting in since the New Deal," said Alan Blinder, co-director of Princeton University's Center for Economic Policy Studies. <snip>