report on Social Security cast Dems as "stonewallers" from the "angry liberal left"
FOX News chief political correspondent Carl Cameron claimed that Democrats favor a "stonewall strategy" on Social Security and applied various inaccurate labels to the candidates vying for the chairmanship of the Democratic National Committee (DNC).
Near the beginning of his January 11 report on FOX News' Special Report with Brit Hume, Cameron explained that Democrats have resorted to "confrontation" on Social Security not because they believe Bush's plan will harm the American people, but because they want to revive their "demoralized" party. Cameron said: "Hoping to re-energize a party demoralized by
John Kerry's defeat, Democrats plan confrontation."......
Later in the report, Cameron explained that the DNC would soon elect a new chairman to succeed Terry McAuliffe, saying this choice "may signal the party's long-term ideological direction." While Cameron described all the leading candidates, he relayed praise only for the most conservative, Indiana Representative Tim Roemer:.......