The Real Warlords of the Modern, West-Dominated Worldby Zafar Bangash
(Thursday 13 January 2005)"Voices of dissent are now beginning to emerge even from the inner sancta of the establishment, not because they question the war’s legality or morality but because of its escalating costs."
So powerful is the West’s propaganda that mere mention of the word “warlord” immediately conjures up images of a bearded thug terrorizing hapless civilians in Afghanistan. Just as terrorism has been made synonymous with Muslim activism, so warlordism has become the exclusive preserve of the Afghans. There are certainly plenty of warlords in Afghanistan, but they are bit-players compared to the warlords in Washington. America’s warlords are neither bearded nor brandish Kalashnikov rifles in their victims’ faces; they dress in business suits and speak in soundbites, but their policies and decisions hold much of the world hostage. They terrorize almost everyone everywhere with cruise missiles, Apache helicopters, F-16 planes and 1,000-pound bombs, and they run the most sophisticated and far-reaching brainwashing apparatus anywhere, ever, in human history.
One is reminded of the encounter between the emperor Alexander and a pirate, as narrated by St Augustine: “How dare you molest the seas?” demands Alexander.
“How dare you molest the world?” retorts the pirate. “Just because I do it with a small boat I am called a pirate; you do it with a big ship and you are called an emperor.”