GFW (rightly) takes a knife to the Dept. of Education, hooking on the Armstrong Williams payola scandal.
... This building-as-billboard is the workplace of those eager beavers who had this brainstorm: Let's pay a million taxpayer dollars to a public relations firm to manufacture enthusiasm for the No Child Left Behind Act, including a $241,000 payment to columnist and television talk-show host Armstrong Williams for his praise of the legislation. The eager beavers are long on energy but short on judgment. ...
and yet, when it comes to his own glass house of journalistic compromise, Will just can't be bothered:
.... After spending two paragraphs describing complaints about George W. Bush's preparations for the invasion of Iraq, Will wrote: "Into this welter of foolishness has waded Conrad Black, a British citizen and member of the House of Lords who is a proprietor of many newspapers, including the Telegraph of London and the Sun-Times of Chicago."
In the column, Will failed to mention that he has been a paid employee of Conrad Black, who named Will, along with several other mostly conservative luminaries, to the international advisory board of Black's Hollinger International. Each time he attended the board's annual meetings, the New York Times revealed (12/22/03), Will received compensation of $25,000.
Asked whether he should have revealed that the mogul whose views he was promoting had paid him substantial sums of money, Will told the Times, "My business is my business," adding, "Got it?"
So it's okay for a renowned columnist to take lots of money from a man looting shareholders via his own publicly traded company and then write about what a sage and sane thinker his (undisclosed) benefactor is, but it's not okay for a renowned radio personality to suck lots of money from the public teat and become a mouthpiece for an administration initiative.
George F. Will, the very embodiment of hypocrisy.