If I was a detainee, taken from my home in the middle of the night for no crime, just “questioning,” then dragged naked, threatened with dogs, punched, and deprived of sleep, I’d be outraged and humiliated. But if they had some female guards coming by to laugh at my package in the shower, fuck it, once I got out, I’d be planting bombs by the side of the road, too.
This woman also apparently had an affair with Specialist Charles Graner. First the “drugged-out, inbred, Peppermint Patty” Pvt. England, now her? (Tina Fey’s line) It’s clear that the Army is recruiting the bottom of the barrel, if Reservist Graner is who they’re attracting, and he’s attracting anyone. I guess the hot nights of the hogtied naked men piled up around you gets so erotic, you can’t resist the charms of the leering, sweating, overweight, gap-toothed grinning musclehead with his hand sore from punching a guy whose head is in a bag, who is TOTALLY NOT GAY FOR STRIPPING MEN AND MAKING THEM MASTURBATE AND SIMULATE BLOWJOBS ON EACH OTHER. He’s proved this by sleeping with women that only LOOKED like boys.
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