By Ben Hubbard | January 14, 2005
IF THERE'S one voice conspicuously absent in the debate over replacing Social Security with private investment accounts, it is young people -- the ones with the most to lose.
Young people don't typically share a strong interest in issues like Social Security -- issues best discussed with two aspirin and a glass of water -- but the absence of young voices is peculiar. Listen to any argument for privatization and one thing is clear -- it's all in the name of young Americans.
In a recently leaked White House memorandum, a top aide to Karl Rove, Peter Wehner, outlined the president's initial plan to privatize Social Security. The memo ends with a warning to his conservative colleagues: It is their "responsibility" and "duty" to ensure that they "do not create an inter-generational conflict." Retaining strong ties between the generations, Wehner writes, is "a deeply conservative belief."
But, in fact, this administration's record reflects a deep disregard for the interests of young Americans.
Recently, new federal rules eliminated Pell Grants for nearly 90,000 students nationwide and cut financial aid for an additional 1.2 million students. This even as family incomes keep falling and school tuitions keep rising.