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Jon Stewart laughs at Bush Soc Security lies

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papau Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jan-14-05 04:12 PM
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Jon Stewart laughs at Bush Soc Security lies
The Daily News with Jon Stewart
With his second term about to begin, President Bush has a few top priorities. Number one: learn to play harmonica. Then... get a Gmail account. And after that... foosball table in the Oval Office. But then after that... fix Social Security.

President Bush launched a high-profile campaign today to convince Americans and Congress alike that the nation's Social Security program is headed for financial ruin unless sweeping changes are made to the system. Also, freedom will die. He just tags sentences with that now out of habit.

To sell this idea, the president played host to an off-the-cuff, pre-scripted chat with regular, pre-screened folk at a town hall-style forum in the nation's capital designed to convince attendees that Social Security is a problem. <snip>

The most controversial element to the president's plan is to allow young people to invest part of their Social Security money in the stock market themselves, and then, if there's any left, to pass that money on to their heirs. And if the market crashes and they lose all their money, then Wal-Mart will have a limitless supply of greeters, so really, the plan is win-win. <snip>

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Lisa Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jan-14-05 05:03 PM
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1. Bush playing harmonica?
Yes, I could see that. After all, based on his job performance so far, he both sucks AND blows.

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