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Turning Up the Heat on Bush

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housewolf Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jan-15-05 02:53 AM
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Turning Up the Heat on Bush
Turning Up the Heat on Bush
by Robert L. Borosage

For a nanosecond after November's election defeat, the Democratic unity forged by the radical provocations of George W. Bush seemed intact. From the corporate-funded Democratic Leadership Council to Howard Dean's new Democracy for America, Democrats drew similar conclusions from the election about what needed to be done: Challenge the right in the so-called red states and develop a compelling narrative that speaks to working people--don't simply offer a critique of Bush and a passel of "plans." Champion values, not simply policy proposals. Don't compromise with Bush's reactionary agenda. Expose Republican corruption, while pushing electoral reform. Stand firm on long-held social values, from women's rights to gay rights. Confront Bush's disastrous priorities at home and follies abroad.

But this brief interlude of common sense and purpose quickly descended into rancor and division.


After a year in which progressives drove the debate, roused and registered the voters, raised the dough and knocked on the doors, the corporate wing of the Democratic Party is trying to reassert control. Its assault on and the Dean campaign--the center of new energy in the party--is reminiscent of 1973, when corporate lobbyist Bob Strauss became head of the party and tossed out the McGovern mailing list, insuring that the party would remain dependent on big-donor funding.

This time, however, the entrenched interests aren't likely to succeed, no matter who becomes party chair. That's because progressives have begun building an independent infrastructure to generate ideas, drive campaigns, persuade citizens, nurture movement progressives and challenge the right. It includes a range of new groups such as, Wellstone Action, Progressive Majority, the Center for American Progress, Air America, Working America and America Coming Together, along with established groups that have displayed new reach and sophistication such as ACORN, the NAACP, the Campaign for America's Future (which I help direct) and the League of Conservation Voters. These groups--and their state and local allies--came out of this election emboldened, not discouraged. Just as the infrastructure that the right built drove the Republican resurgence, these groups and their activists--not the party regulars or the corporate retainers--will stir the Democratic drink.


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housewolf Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jan-15-05 02:55 AM
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1. This article is about us - The Progressives
It's a postive and hopeful article, be sure to read it.
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renaissanceguy Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jan-15-05 02:56 AM
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2. These are telling times for us.
We have the momentum going. We can't give up. We must stand our ground. No more DLC!! Let's keep the progressive message going because it is a GOOD message!

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don954 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jan-15-05 03:08 AM
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3. The DLC keeps forgeting...
*WE* are their base, not the corp. interests, not the swing voters, us, the average American progressive leaning dem. Some of us are libertarian left, some of us are socialist left, but all of us are social progressives who want the “average” American to have every chance in life possible.

They need us more than we need them.
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housewolf Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jan-15-05 11:58 AM
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4. kick
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