Interesting article from the UK Independent. Make of this what you will. your identikit Democratic Presidential candidate and you would come up with someone pretty much like John Forbes Kerry. Handsome, tall and intelligent. Jutting jaw and gravitas by the bucketful. A Vietnam war hero who devoted his career to public life, including almost two decades of distinguished service in the Senate. This sort of résumé is to die for.
True, opponents might bestow upon him that damning label of "Massachusetts liberal". But his particular specimen is no wimp. He owns a Harley-Davidson and indulges in macho sports such as ice hockey and wind-surfing. And not only are his initials the stuff of American political myth. He also owns the most perfectly sculpted thatch of hair of any Democrat since the first JFK inhabited the White House.
But something has gone horribly wrong. When Kerry travelled to South Carolina this week to formally announce his candidacy, it was not to "launch" a campaign that is already nine months old. His purpose was to revive one that risks being swamped by the astonishing insurgency of Howard Dean, Kerry's fellow New Englander, his natural rival and now his potential nemesis.
And so the former Vermont governor has become the acknowledged favourite for the nomination. He is eating into Kerry's natural constituency of liberals and educated professionals, and draining the fundraising pool at which every candidate must drink. With a politician's practised insouciance, Kerry says he expected such a challenge all along. In fact Dean was never in the script. Nor, it should be added, was Wesley Clark, the former Nato commander and Vietnam veteran, who would steal Kerry's best issue if, as many expect, he enters the Democratic race later this month.