FBI agents don’t like to go into mosques. The so-called right of sanctuary was drummed into young FBI agents during their training at Quantico: “You don’t chase a thief into the cathedral.” The message was reinforced over time by political correctness and the example of careers ruined by rule-breaking. Step on someone’s civil liberties, FBI agents learned by rote and by painful history, and you can wind up using your retirement savings to pay for a lawyer at the inevitable congressional inquisition.
BUT THEN came the September 11, 2001, attacks, and the strong suspicion that some of the hijackers had done their plotting in mosques. Suddenly the rules changed. Agents were told to be more “proactive,” to follow the terrorist trail wherever it led, even into a religious sanctuary. The message from headquarters was: Don’t be afraid to take risks. We’re behind you. (That is, hedged FBI Director Robert Mueller, as long as the agent was operating in “good faith.”)
http://msnbc.com/news/962977.asp?0cl=c1Like we really believe they don't have every mosque bugged.