I was surfing both the TV and the Internet the other day and kept seeing the same three things coming up from callers, debaters and pundits; that this is a nation formed under God and we must stop the baby murdering, sex education in our schools and keep gays from enjoying the same rights as anyone else. In the middle of all that I also got a phone call from my Sister-in-Law who expounded on the same three issues. You know, Jesus never mentioned any of those things. Nor, like religious conservatives, did he advocate war, executions, violence and always giving the most benefits to the most well off.
It seems here in America most people have rewritten Christianity to adhere to their own selfish, intolerant violent nature. They have completely missed the point of what Jesus was about; peace, love, mercy, compassion, non violence, forgiveness and above all, ending the circle of vengeance. COMPLETELY MISSED THE ENTIRE POINT OF IT.
In the days after 911 I believed it would be a reminder to all Americans regarding the violent intolerant history of fundamentalist religion and the insanity of what state religions propagate. I was as wrong as anyone could possibly be, for instead of seeing the horror, we have embraced it and are now lining up to out do the evil doers in the name of God. Considering property damage, death count, wounded and using weapons of mass destruction we have now surpassed them in double digit magnitudes.
There seem to be two separate and unequal forms of Christianity in America, those who believe in Jesus and those who follow him. The first group has completely missed his point, seeing it only as a form of personal redemption and intolerant politics. And where is the other group? I suppose there are few Methodists, Unitarians and Catholic liberation theologians, but all sixteen of them don't really count for much.
The point being; just about every single issue made by Christian conservatives can be very easily thwarted by saying, "As a follower of Jesus Christ I have to disagree with you, for he said..." http://rackjite.com