Roberts is one of the sane Conservatives speaking out against the Neocons, Three years ago in the Washington Post Ken Adelman, formerly an
assistant to Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, promised us
"Cakewalk In Iraq." I wonder how Mr. Adelman feels about his
promise today.
The Washington establishment must be wondering today how it was
convinced into making such a fatal mistake. Iraq had no weapons of
mass destruction. Saddam Hussein had no terrorist links or
involvement in the September 11 terror attack. US casualties (dead
and wounded) now stand at 10 percent of the US invasion force. A
few thousand lightly armed insurgents have tied down eight US
divisions. Iraq’s infrastructure lies in ruins. Fallujah, once a city of
300,000, has been destroyed. The US has lost control of the roads,
and most of the US fighting force is confined to protecting supply lines
and its own bases. The US military is cracking under the strain of
prolonged service in the field. The cost of the war mounts, putting
more pressure on a collapsing US dollar. The US occupation has
recruited thousands of new terrorists for Osama bin Laden and
provided a training ground. Torture and torture memos have
destroyed America’s moral reputation. Civil war looms as neither
Sunnis, Shiites, nor Kurds are willing to support a government they do
not control. Anti-American feelings throughout the Middle East
threaten to undermine the secular puppets that the US keeps afloat in
Pakistan, Egypt and Jordan. There is no light at the end of the tunnel.
Generals speak of staying another 3, 5, 7, and 10 years in order "to
get the job done."
How long will we bleed in Iraq? How many war
crimes will we commit in frustration with an
invisible enemy? How intense will Muslim hatred
of Americans become? At what point will this
hatred unseat our puppets and deliver the Middle
East to Osama bin Laden or his equivalent?
Three more years? Five more years? We
certainly cannot get away with it for seven or ten
more years.
Who will provide the desperately needed
leadership that will rescue America from this
self-inflicted catastrophy?