January 20, 2005 – We Are Really, Really Sorry
By W. David Jenkins III
Winter finally came to this upstate New York conservative pothole I call home, and the snows allowed me to experience a mix of pride and pathos in my country. With the roads a complete mess of slush and ice, I decided to stay home and watch C-SPAN as the January 6 line-up consisted of the Alberto Gonzales confirmation hearings and the 2004 presidential electoral count in the House of Representatives. So while the snow and ice built up outside my house, I kicked back and watched - in utter disbelief – the lame attempt at confrontation which took place in one room of the Nation’s Capital that day and the brave, principled act in another. And through it all, one thing kept going through my head: We owe the Founding Fathers and the world one hell of an apology.
But first, the brighter side of that wintry day.
In what should have been a replay of four years ago, a member of the Congressional Black Caucus stood in protest of the results of the electoral tally of the state of Ohio . However this time, unlike four years ago when it came to Florida, a congresswoman was able to state that a senator had signed on to the formal protest – an action not taken in Congress in this capacity for over one hundred years. And for a damn good reason.
There were enough submitted complaints and reports of “irregularities” in Ohio regarding what happened on November 2 to warrant the protest – not necessarily to overturn the results, but to insure there would continue to be a dialogue of, if not a solution to, the problem facing America’s election process. This “problem” seems to have come to a head since George W. Bush entered the field of presidential politics.
The brave and principled Democrats who challenged the results out of Ohio wanted to make sure that the governing bodies in which they serve continue to address the problem that plagues this country. They wanted every vote to count. They wanted every voter to know he/she has equal access in which to exercise that privilege and responsibility. However, the Republicans decided to air their arrogance rather than acknowledge the problem – basically because they don’t see any problem. Their guy got in again and they don’t particularly care how.