If you didn't get a chance to see the Democracynow segment on the 13th with Whistle-blower Jesselyn Braddock, ex Dept of Justice attorney who served under the new Joseph Gobble of DHS,(Michael Chertoff) it's a story you really should hear.
The short version is this is a 36 yr old woman similar to Sibel Edmonds, and is a very decent and brave human being. She is suffering MS, expecting her 3rd child, and has been McCarthy blacklisted by the Bushistas the last 2 years for daring to follow what she'd been taught true democracy was. She was threatened by the Justice Dept and Chertoff,our next Homeland dictator, then the DOJ forced her out, she gladly left and then they had her fired from her next job at a law firm with scandalous lies. She was then even put on the DHS no-fly list. All this cause because she DARED point out the illegality, the lies, the lack of ethics, and the illegal methods attained for his testimony and prosecution after insider information she had while working at the DJ. They destroyed 18 emails and suppressed divulging the weeks of torture he endured. They erased her emails, which luckily she recovered.
Her story has been covered by some press but you know how quickly this administration comes up with new scandals every week it seems. You know the story. I've talked to her, she's a good egg.
I know you're probably tired of petitions, but remember this, just one of these whistle-blowers equals a 1000 of us.And these whistle-blowers are growing in numbers. Your want a new Watergate? She needs help. She has a petition and needs legal help. Listen to her 10 minute interview and/or at least read her petition. Here's a interview with her on Democracynow
http://www.democracynow.org/article.pl?sid=05/01/13/1455248And here's her page with her petition letter to Bush and Ashcroft as well as links to pieces wrote in the NY Times, Wash Post, and Mother Jones. As well as one more interview on NPR. Please go check out it...
Many thanks DU'ers and bump this for me will you. She really needs help.