LiberalTimes.comFor two months voter advocacy groups, civil rights groups, and Democrats from all over the country had been crying foul over numerous anti-democratic tactics used to supress the votes of Democrats in Ohio. The Republicans were set to lose Ohio, but thanks to the dirty tricks that Ohio Secretary of State Kenneth Blackwell employed Democrats were either not permitted to vote, were intimidated, or weren't given the resources to vote. The people of Ohio, according to exit polls, had tried to vote for Kerry by large margin. When the polls closed though the final tally showed Bush as the winner. Immediately citizens began to speak out against the unfair day of polling in which highly Democratic precincts were given only 2 voting machines despite having 1300 registered voters. Meanwhile in other precincts poll workers had accepted provisional ballots without informing the voter they needed to also submit in afidavit. The Republicans, always lieing about supporting the troops, refused to count the votes from the military into the final Ohio tally.
Among the issues raised in 2004 were allegations or complaints regarding:
* Voter registration obstacles
* Improper purges of voter lists
* Voter suppression
* Accuracy and reliability of voting machines, especially electronic voting including allegations voting machines were designed with the aim of vote fraud in mind by vote machine companies who have ties to the Republican party
* Problems with absentee ballots and provisional ballots
-- Wikipedia: 2004 US Election Irregularities
In the event that electoral votes are questionably obtained a congress person may submit a challenge to the electoral votes. In order for a challenge to go forward a Senator must sign onto that challenge.Two weeks ago the distinguished Senator Barbara Boxer did what had to be done: she signed onto the challenge of the Ohio electoral votes. In a Senate with 48 Democrats, only one was willing to sign onto a rightful challenge of a most unscrupulous election day in Ohio. An election day so biased in application of the law that it most likely changed the results of our nation's election, and the course of our entire democracy. There should have been 48 signatures on the challenge, instead there was one.
For most of us in the Senate and the House, we have spent our lives fighting for things we believe in - always fighting to make our nation better. We have fought for social justice. We have fought for economic justice. We have fought for environmental justice. We have fought for criminal justice. Now we must add a new fight - the fight for electoral justice. -- Barbara Boxer
Barbara Boxer emerged as a hero willing to stand up for what was right just as Democrats began to lose faith in their party's will to fight . Surely the man who stands to gain the most from this challenge, John Kerry, would be thankful to Barbara Boxer for standing up for him... right? The answer is no. The same day Barbara Boxer signed the challenge Kerry released a statement saying he did not support the challenge to the Ohio electoral votes. Say what?! How dare he! After all the work, all the support, all the time, and effort that I, and hundreds of thousands like me put into getting him elected he says he doesn't support a rightful challenge. All that Kerry had to do was keep his mouth shut and let the challenge play through. Instead he had to undermine it with a statement saying he doesn't support it. Nobody likes a loser, and everybody despises a man who intentionally makes himself a loser.
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