The nation's largest Bible publisher, rolling out its biggest marketing campaign ever to promote a new translation aimed at "spiritually intrigued 18- to 34-year-olds," has stumbled over a little rock:
Rolling Stone.The magazine rejected Zondervan's Bible ad just weeks before its scheduled run date, citing an unwritten policy against accepting ads containing religious messages.
Zondervan executives say the entertainment magazine was key in its $1 million campaign to reach young adults who have rarely, if ever, seen Bible ads before. Surveys show that 53% of this age group read the Bible less than once a year or never, although they are huge buyers of books on spiritual and religious themes.
The rejected ad shows a serious young man, apparently pondering the problems of modern life. The text touts the TNIV as a source for "real truth" in a world of "endless media noise and political spin." A blue Bible peeks up from the corner of the ad.
But every ad carries the slogan: "Timeless truth; Today's language"
And that assertion of "truth" evidently triggered the rebuff from
Rolling Stonemore;