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Not content to control 3 branches of gov't, AEI bitches about Libs more

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NewHampshireDem Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jan-20-05 05:53 AM
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Not content to control 3 branches of gov't, AEI bitches about Libs more
Not that anyone should be surprised ... BTW, I love his psuedo-statistics, falsely quantifying the influence of liberals. How long until those numbers become gospel? The Freepers will surely be sprinkling their posts with the "fact" that liberals control 80% of the media and 90% of Holllywood.

THIS inauguration marks the seventh out of the past 10 in which a Republican President parades down Pennsylvania Avenue.

At the Capitol, the procession’s starting point, Republicans hold a 10-seat majority in the Senate and a solid grasp, for the 10th year in a row, on the House. The majority of governors, including those of the four largest states, are Republican, and the GOP controls most state legislatures.

Most significantly, Americans, by a 3 to 2 margin, identify themselves as conservatives rather than liberals.

The American left — liberalism, collectivism, statism, New Dealism (call it what you want) — remains firmly in charge of most powerful U.S. institutions. Here is a brief review of 10 of them, along with my rough estimate, by percentage, of conservative influence.

Media: Put talk radio, the Wall Street Journal editorial page, FOX News and a few dailies on one side and practically everything else on the other. Nine-tenths of national reporters and editors vote Democratic, and they identify themselves as liberal over conservative by a 5 to 1 margin. The Bush administration has had no discernible effect even on NPR and PBS. Will the CBS scandal change anything? Of course not. The power of the big dailies and TV networks is crumbling thanks to the Internet, but slowly. Conservative influence: 20 percent.

<more stupidity>

I'm sure the extension of this line of thinking will go like this:

Freeper: "Well, we would have won the war in Iraq if the liberal media, liberal Hollywood, and liberal professors at Vassar would have just got off our backs and let us win the damn thing! Same thing with social security reform. What could the President and Congress do, since the liberal goons over at the NEA, AARP, and Teamsters opposed it? And the deficit, don't even get me started on the deficit. How could the President and Congress cut the budget deficit while liberals like Barbara Streisand are still working in Hollywood and control the Pew Charitable Trust."
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Kolesar Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jan-20-05 07:25 AM
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1. AEI is a bunch of politicians pretending to be academicians
They spend their time trying to figure out how to make catchy slogans and messages, not doing real scientific or sociological research. They get titles like "senior fellow", although they don't have the academic qualifications for a fellowship at a university.
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