Somewhat graphic image at link
This little Iraqi girl seems upset that her parents were shot to death by US soldiers when the car she and her family were in failed to stop at a checkpoint. (I'm sure she'll get over it once they tell her it was a mistake.) Meanwhile the LA Times reports that "the percentage of Americans who believed the situation in Iraq was "worth going to war over" has sunk to a new low of 39%."
I love BoingBoing for their tech news and their irreverence. I think the headline and the post nicely sum up the absurdity of the coverage of the war in Iraq--the media (and, sadly, Americans in general) forget that behind everyone one of those statistics about Iraqi dead there is a real human story. We feel good about the one kid in a thousand who gets flown to the US to get fake arms sewn on, but forget about the other 999 who merely died. And the war orphans? Well, at least their still alive, so no need to count them.
Fuck you very much Mr. *. Enjoy your fucking party.