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Richard Clarke - Ten Years Later after 2nd Wave of Terror Hits U.S.

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RamboLiberal Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jan-20-05 06:07 PM
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Richard Clarke - Ten Years Later after 2nd Wave of Terror Hits U.S.
Edited on Thu Jan-20-05 06:09 PM by RamboLiberal

This is a transcript of the Tenth Anniversary 9/11 Lecture
Sunday, September 11, 2011
John F. Kennedy School of Government
Cambridge, Massachusetts
Professor Roger McBride


2005: Return to the Homeland Battlefields

The U.S. government had predicted that future attacks, if they came, would likely be on financial institutions, noting that Osama bin Laden had issued instructions to destroy the U.S. economy. Thus when the casinos were attacked, it was a surprise. It shouldn't have been; we knew that Las Vegas had been under surveillance by al-Qaeda since at least 2001. Despite that knowledge casino owners had done little to increase security, not wanting to slow people down on their way into the city's pleasure palaces.2 Theme-park owners were also locked into a pre-9/11, "it can't happen here" mindset, and consequently were caught off guard, as New Yorkers and Washingtonians had been in 2001. The first post-9/11 attacks on U.S. soil came not from airplanes but from backpacks and Winnebagos. They were aimed at places where we used to have fun, what we then called "vacation destinations." These places were particularly hard to defend.

Peter and Margaret Rataczak, of Wichita, Kansas, were the first to die on June 29, 2005, in a new wave of suicide attacks launched against the United States in retaliation for the killing of Osama bin Laden that spring, and for the continuing presence of U.S. troops in Iraq. These attacks were every bit as well planned as those of 9/11 and, in typical al-Qaeda fashion, used low-technology means to achieve maximum public impact. What we know about the attacks' planning and execution comes in large part from tourists who provided photos and video from their travels. Without these images we might never have known that the Rataczaks' killers were non-Arab. It would also have been harder to discover that they seem to have entered the United States by driving across the border from Canada.3

In order to save money for the poker tables that night, Peter chose to stay at an RV campground, parking his Winnebago at around 4:00 p.m. Shortly thereafter a casually dressed Asian couple approached the Rataczaks' secluded campsite with a map unfolded in front of them. Only the birds heard the silenced shots. The first murders by the group calling itself al-Qaeda of North America had been carried out.

With the bodies in the back of the darkened camper, the Asian couple drove back toward a safe house they had quietly rented in the hills. (The landlord had no reason to suspect they were fundamentalist Muslims; their religion was of no concern to him. Nor, certainly, would his standard background credit check have turned up their association with an Indonesian al-Qaeda affiliate.) The man quickly backed into the garage and loaded an ammonium nitrate device into the van. His leader had said the device would force the unbelievers in "Sin City" to realize that even in their ignorance they were guilty of conspiring with the Zionists to destroy Islam. After a good night's sleep and his morning prayers, the man carefully helped the woman into her vest and belt before leaving her to finish dressing and praying.


2008 - an interesting prediction by Clarke.

During the campaign the two major parties had attempted to outdo each other in their anti-terror fervor. The similarity of their hawkish strategies helped give rise to an influential third party, the American Liberty Party, which challenged the Patriot Acts. San Francisco's mayor, a Chinese-American woman, surprised the experts by garnering 12 percent of the popular vote for the presidency on a platform built almost exclusively on shoring up civil liberties. Two new governors were elected on the American Liberty ticket, as were fourteen congressmen, who became a vocal minority in the new Congress.
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PROGRESSIVE1 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jan-20-05 06:08 PM
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1. .
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progressiveBadger Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jan-20-05 06:51 PM
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2. Frightening...
Now, ponder this: Who benefits the most from another terrorist attack?
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reprehensor Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jan-21-05 07:37 PM
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3. Good article.
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KoKo Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jan-22-05 11:19 AM
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4. A chilling read... He seems to say if we don't get out of Iraq now...and
refocus on our own country...we have a dark scenario ahead of us. My only quibble with this article is that I felt he was in favor of the "biometric" ID cards. He certainly wove that into his dark scenario, enough to make me wonder if he thinks they would be a big help.

Other than that his dark scenario showing how clueless Bush & Co. are is
one that I hope some of the "powers behind the throne" will read. :shrug:
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