Buzzflash editorial by author of "Bush's Brain". What is significant here is that he thinks that Rove is the guy directly responsible for leaking the name of Amb. Wilson's wife.<snip>
I hate Mr. Bush and what he is doing to my country. I cannot believe the range of duplicities involved in his administration; the gratuitous lying to serve profit and political purpose. As the president lies about Iraq, lies about the economy, lies about the environment, lies about his tax cut, lies about the education bill, lies about the budget, lies about his real interests in Africa, lies about Halliburton; he is destroying the American public’s faith in the democratic process.
I am ashamed of the actions that my president has allowed to take place in our democracy. Ambassador Joseph Wilson and his wife have spent most of their lives in service to our country. When he was asked by the State Department to check on claims that Iraq had tried to acquire uranium from Niger, Ambassador Wilson came back to report the documentation was completely fake. The White House ignored his intelligence and the president put the claim in his speech. Wilson, who has devoted his life to the truth, wrote an Op-Ed in the New York Times, and not too many weeks later, discovered that columnist Robert Novak was revealing his wife’s name and her undercover responsibilities for the CIA.
Novak has long been Karl Rove’s favorite leak. During the presidential campaign, when reporters began talking about Mr. Bush’s time in the Texas National Guard, Rove suggested, "You guys shouldn’t make too much of a few missed meetings." A few days later, during a discussion of the issue on "CNN’s Crossfire," Novak told other commentators they were getting carried away over "a few missed meetings." He is Rove’s conservative hand puppet.
By leaking Ambassador Wilson’s wife’s name to Novak, and by Novak writing a column about her, Karl Rove has committed treason, violated the National Security Act, and should be brought to justice, as surely and swiftly as Osama bin Laden ought to be. All of the undercover operatives Mrs. Wilson dealt with during her career overseas, many of them Americans, are now at risk of being killed by the arms dealers, who thought they were something other than CIA agents.There are too many lies, too many transgressions to list. Richard Nixon, in a less cynical era, told only one. And we were all supremely affronted by what he did to our democracy.
George W. Bush, and Karl Rove, has told dozens, each one of them more damaging than lying about a break-in of a political headquarters. And yes, Bill Clinton lied. But nobody died. He told an all too common male lie about consensual sex. But he did not send the sons and daughters of America marching off to war wearing the boots of a well-told lie.