"The Nuclear non-Proliferation Treaty is the cornerstone of international efforts to prevent the spread of nuclear weapons and to open up access to the peaceful uses of nuclear technologies as widely as possible"
"If there are doubts as to whether a country is carrying out its commitments, the IAEA can insist on tighter inspections, including surprise ones, called an Additional Protocol.
Iran is now subject to an Additional Protocol.
Some key states have refused to join the treaty.
Outside the club India, Pakistan and Israel are non-signatories and are all believed to have a nuclear weapons capability"
"And Israel is thought to have developed at least 200 nuclear weapons."
israel is the ONLY state in the region to have NOT signed the non-proliferation treaty,already has the weapons and the missiles to deliver them up to 5000 miles! away,iran is voluntarily undergoing additional inspections,and people are talking of regime change and bombing iran!?