List of priorities
But there will be little time for him to rest, with all the tasks he has named as priorities for himself and the nation:
Win a war on terror against shadowy, deadly networks.
Establish stability and democracy in Iraq, a deeply divided country where the American casualty rate has even fellow Republicans urging Bush to say more about how he will get the United States out.
Add private investment accounts to Social Security, through an as-yet-undefined plan that has many deeply skeptical.
Simplify a tax code bloated by thousands of provisions that special-interest patrons will be loathe to relinquish.
Limit medical malpractice and class-action jury awards.
Push a “guest worker” immigration plan that conservatives in his own party oppose.
For the immediate future, Bush’s list of most-pressing duties include naming someone to the powerful new post of director of national intelligence, watching the Jan. 30 elections in Iraq and mending still-frayed relations with Europe during his first overseas trip of his second term.
“I’m looking forward to putting my heart and soul into this job for four more years,” he said, making no mention of the legislative battles ahead over taxes, expanding immigration laws, Social Security, the burgeoning budget deficit, judges and more.