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The Anti's Antidote For the Bush Blues
Counter-Inaugural Ballgoers Don't See Red
By David Montgomery and Jose Antonio Vargas
Washington Post Staff Writers
Friday, January 21, 2005; Page C02
No moping around at home in front of the tube. No out-of-town getaways to escape the incoming red tide. For thousands of protest partyers last night, it was time to counter-inaugurate.
There were more than a half-dozen Opposition Parties for the disaffected to attend. The diverse flavors showed off the range of dissent against President Bush -- from punk rockers to ballroom dancers, from angry activists who think Bush's reelection was stolen to well-heeled Democrats raising money to defeat the Republicans next time.
The satirical troupe Billionaires for Bush perform at the Alternative Inaugural Ball at the National Press Club. (Len Spoden For The Washington Post)
They were in a Blue State of mind, but they weren't singing the blues.
"Political depression is not a luxury we have time for," said Amy Isaacs, national director of Americans for Democratic Action, which hosted a Counter-Inaugural Gala, where 300 partyers danced to a blues-funk band at the Washington Court Hotel near Capitol Hill. "Tonight we have fun and tomorrow we go back to work."