87 Billion Dollars??? Is this idiot crazy??? That is as much as we spend for education in this country, and because this moron and his administration made a really, really, stupid decision, the rest of us have to 'sacrifice' for it...
Well, are the billionaires sacrificing??? I think not...they are reaping the rewards of this war...where the HELL is $87 billion dollars going? Could it be to Halliburton, Bechtel, and the rest of the corporations? Where did the 60 Billion plus that Bush got back in April go? Could it be to Halliburton, Bechetel, & the rest of the corporations?
So, the administration will not be helping our infrastructure, or education in this country, because they made a unilateral power grab that is turning into a mess because they expected to be welcomed with 'flowers' (lying bastards).
Our kid's futures are what the sacrificing really means...the administration wants us to give them all the money, all the money that we don't have, social security, and for this we get...what? A future without social security, with kids that are idiots because the public school system is going to shit, and families that need both parents to work (as opposed to making the decision on what they want to do).
The goal of this administration, is to make sure that both parents have to work all the time just to survive (and appreciate being slaves), and so that they have no time to think about what the fuck is really going on. Because when people have time to think about what's going on, they will be PISSED OFF...
We no longer live in a democracy...thanks to these Repukes (and some Dems unfortunately), we now live in a Plutocracy, where the rich run the show, and the rest of us are supposed to be content with our 'small piece of the gold' that the rich grudgingly hand out.
When will the American people wake up and realize that these people are crooks? I understand that some people truly can not believe that our government could lie to us like this...to them I say WATERGATE!!! And this whole Iraqi debacle is light years beyond Watergate as a lie...lying to get us in, lying about the cost, lying about the 'sacrifices' that everyone else in America has to do except for themselves.
George Bush has never sacrificed anything more than a fly ball in his entire life...he went AWOL during his tenure of duty in the Air National Guard, his poppy bought him oil companies (which he almost bankrupted except for investments from the BIN LADEN family), etc. He's a loser, a liar, and a crook. He sends our kids to war, while his kids and his friends kids are safe. 'Sacrificing' to this administration means that us 'serfs' sacrifice, while they get richer and richer.
Does anyone really think the administration cares about what our brave men and women of the armed forces are really sacrificing? Bush has yet to either call or visit the families of the soldiers that have died. This is an abomination. And it should be reported, but it won't be.
Our media is owned by Bush's 'friends' and cronies, so the American people can not be informed they way they need to be (of course, if the people really had an idea what was going on, there would be revolution in the streets...). Fewer conservative companies owning the media means that it's in their better interest to hide what's really happening...more Laci Peterson and Kobe Bryant to take the attention off of the raping of America.
I have never been so sad to be an American in my entire life.
But, I have never been happier to have an outlet like DU where I can spout off when needed...it's my safety valve...