so please do not take this personally. I do not think this will go anywhere. My logic is that if Bush can invade a defenseless country on pretext, and lies, and he can kill thousands of innocent people in the process, and he can seize this country's resources and it's livlihood for his buddies to make them rich while seemingly not to care about the almost five hundred of our young people who have been killed, actually criminally murdered if one considers the lies this coward of a man invented in order to be the "war president" and all of the other things that are simply evil and too egregious to consider and too shameful for this American citizen to consider at all
Well, if no one is challenging this idiot on this terrible, terrible act of, actually treason, since he lied to his own people--instead we hear that is is perfectly OK--Saddam was captured!!! and so, Bush was right!!! Saddam is the evil dictator who had WMD and he, frigging gassed his own people. Therefore it is pervectly fine that Bush acted like he did and murdered those thousands of people--five hundred of them his "own people"
for no other reason than that he wanted what they had and he knew he could do it and get away with it, and he has!!! It is the most incredible piece of history I have read.
The point is that if no one challenges him on that--on the deaths and the murder of all those thousands, what makes anyone think someone will challenge him on this relatively minor matter. HE will simply do away with those who do==-it will go the way of the memory hole, and Valerie Plame will be forgotten as will her husband, very soon.
No one is really interested right now, even though on DU it seems as if it should be the straw that broke the camel's back.
It isn't and it will not be.