In the great dystopia
Demolition Man, the 61st Amendment revoked the requirement for a president to have been born in the United States, which is how Lt. Lenina Huxley was able to pull video clips from the Schwarzenegger Presidential Library.
This is the Governator:
When the Republicans announced that they wanted to pass a 61st Amendment, everyone including me thought they mighta thunk a Schwarzenegger Presidential Library woulda been kinda kewl but a Schwarzenegger Presidential Library with no President Schwarzenegger is a cart-before-the-horse proposition.
To be honest, I'd go to a Schwarzenegger Presidential Library. It might be entertaining to see a display of a photo of President Schwarzenegger's signing of a bill putting fifty cops on the streets of LA next to a 44-inch plasma screen running a continuous loop of Actor Schwarzenegger blowing away fifty cops in
The Terminator. Of him signing a proclamation declaring the week of November 6 "talk nicely to children week" next to a continuous loop of him on an airliner in
Kindergarten Cop telling the kid in the seat behind him "if you don't stop screwing around back there, this is what I'm going to do with you." Or President Schwarzenegger signing a bill telling children not to smoke next to a photo of Actor Schwarzenegger smoking cigars in
The Running Man, The Sixth Day...Movies are real. They must be; one of the reasons Tommy Chong got sent up was that he smoked a six-lid joint in
Up in Smoke. (
jmowreader, you idiot! This sounds like a Counter Schwarzenegger Library! You know that's freeper crap and liberals aren't allowed to talk bad about conservatives! Now shape up!--OldSoldier)Arnold's nothing more than a generally-harmless buffoon, incapable of causing any real damage on his own. (Bush, on the other hand, is a buffoon capable of destroying the world because there's a nickel's worth of oil in the ground that one of his sponsors wants.) This 61st Amendment thing isn't about Arnold at all.
This is the Reverend Sun Myung Moon and his third wife, the True Parents of the Unification Church:
(The Reverend Moon is the one to your left.)
Moon is about as far to the right as it's possible to get--and he's one of Bush's biggest backers. He (when I say "he" I mean his organization; officially Moon is as poor as a church mouse) owns the Washington Times (aka the Moonie Times), UPI, a bunch of media organizations. He is a major landholder. He has a known talent for convincing people to turn over all of their assets to his church then work on street corners selling highly-marked-up crap to raise money for Moon's organization. There is so much to Moon he won't fit in one post.
(Question for the admins: Is there a size limit on one post?)This guy thinks he's Jesus Christ and I have no doubt he wants to be President of the United States before he dies. That's what the 61st Amendment is all about.