Edited on Fri Jan-09-04 09:36 PM by arendt
Warning: For the English-history-aware only.
This is way too long for most. Sorry, I cannot make it shorter. The situation was simply too complicated, as ours today is. Just follow Santanyana. If you don't care to read this, don't be surprised at what happens.
Our Would-be Fundamentalist King by arendt
Although most Americans today are ignorant of it, our government has a strong inheritance from English Law. This essay attempts to remind us how the fragile newborn Habeus Corpus law, born out of the exhaustion of the English Civil War, was protected against an over-reaching, bigoted king by a rebellion of all classes and religions.
The bigoted king to whom I refer is James II, who ruled for three years and attempted, by royal command and bureaucratic subversion, to remake England into a Catholic country. To everyone alive today's great benefit, he was tossed out by the Glorious Revolution of 1688 before he could achieve his aims.
James II is a pivot point of history. Had he succeeded, England would have reverted to Catholicism and autocracy; and the entire history of Europe, of the New World, and of Parliamentary democracy would have been drastically changed. Because he failed, and history went the opposite way, he is about as popular as King John.
But, in our midst today, we have his doppelganger: Bush II, the fundamentalist who inherited the throne by family connection. Bush II reigns like a king, with executive orders, executive appointments, a thug in charge of the House, with a loyal corps of propagandists in the media and the biggest military/intelligence/domestic surveillance/ prison budget in the world by far.
There is not much that Bush II is trying that James II didn't already try, and for exactly the same reasons: he is a religious fanatic who wants absolute power; large segments of the Legislature oppose him, but he will not compromise one iota; and he is obsessed with military power or domestic scheming as the solution to everything.
America has suffered Bush's purges for about as long as England suffered James II's. In both cases, the situation came to a tipping point in about the same number of years. If Bush is not kicked out in this election, the police state he is building will be a fait accompli.
Given that, I have no time to argue with the "swing voters". Anyone who has no solid opinion after the last three years is definitely part of the problem, and things are too critical to waste energy on these people. I am definitely a "build the base" strategist. The base are those of left or right, theist or atheist, who understand how Bush II is destroying our democracy with unprovoked warfare, stirring up of religious hatred, secrecy, bad budgets, propaganda, crony capitalism, job exportation, and the tearing down of the Constitution on more fronts than can be listed.
...."The English Protestant nation would have been very foolish to trust themselves to the ....merciful tolerances of James II once he had obtained the absolute power he sought.... ....They were quite sure, from his character, from his record, from his avowed unshakeable ....convictions, from the whole character of the Catholic Church at this time, that once he ....wielded the sword, their choice would be the Mass or the stake."
- "A History of the English Speaking Peoples Vol. 2 - The New World ....by Winston S. Churchill (hereafter, simply "Churchill")
And so would Americans be foolish to trust Bush II for four more years with absolutely no incentive to restrain himself.
However, Americans have never known anything approaching the (mild by modern standards, and certainly incorrupt) religious dictatorship of Oliver Cromwell and his Puritans who ruled immediately before Charles II, and who executed Charles I - a shocking event in the 1600s. (Yes, the same Puritans who founded New England.)
Puritanism was part of an English (Britain did not exist yet) "culture war" between high church Anglican aristocrats and low church Puritan merchants. But, like all Civil Wars, it was incredibly messy and complicated. In addition to the religious quarrels, there was a Parliament vs King dimension, and lurking just outside the sheltered island, a Catholic vs Protestant continent, simultaneously enduring the fag end of the Thirty Years War, which depopulated Central Europe.
It is precisely this lack of a frightful history that causes me to worry for our survival. The Protestants who combined to expel James II had endured over 60 years of internal and external warfare, purges, proscriptions, bills of attainder, and all the other horrors of a religious and civil war. The English population was war-weary and vigilant of its liberties. Nothing was taken for granted or overlooked, especially small trickeries in Parliamentary bills or precedent-setting actions of royal power.
As part of the bargaining in restoring Charles II (James II's elder brother) after Cromwell's death, the Habeus Corpus Act was passed. The act passed because everyone had just lived through what it was like without such an act. Anyone, noble or common, had no rights before the King or the Lord Protector (Cromwell). You could just be locked up and forgotten or hauled out and executed.
Another part of the bargain was the Test Act, which prohibited anyone who refused to swear an oath to the Church of England from holding a commission in the army or a government office or even a parsonage. Remember, this was before the separation of church and state, and in the middle of the Religious Wars of the 17th century. The Test Act was the mildest possible way of stigmatizing unpopular religions. In most parts of Catholic Europe, they would just kill you and take your property.
The fragile unity of post-Cromwellian England was maintained for over 25 years by the clever, if appalling, policies of Charles II. Charles went so far as to obtain a subsidy (i.e., personal bribe) from France, so as to avoid having to call Parliament to raise money.
But, this unity came unstuck when James II, a fanatical convert to Catholicism became king upon Charles II's death. I now offer you a large number of snippets from Churchill's history, interspersed with comparisons to today.
...."(James II) had exploited the victory which Charles II , by compliance, using time, by ....an ignominious foreign policy (fighting wars as a French ally), had gained for the house ....of Stuart. His accession to the throne seemed to him to be the vindication of the downright ....conceptions for which he had always stood. All he thought he needed to make him a real ....king, on the model now established in Europe by Louis XIV, was a loyal fleet and a ....standing Army, well trained and equipped. Warlike command appealed strongly to his ....nature...To form land and sea forces devoted to the royal authority and to his person was ....his first object. Here was the key by which all doors might be opened. Prating Parliaments, ....a proud, politically minded nobility, the restored, triumphant Episcopacy, the blatant ....Whigs, the sullen, brooding Puritans, all would have to take their place once the King ....of England possessed a heavy, tempered, sharpened sword."
Bush II is the beneficiary of Bush I's reputation, Bush I's cronies. Bush II is constantly sucking up to the military (even as he defunds them and shafts veterans and families). Like James II, Bush II has nothing but contempt for the tradition of democratic debate. ("Things would be simpler if I were dictator." "Who cares what you think?")
Immediately after James II came to throne, there was an abortive rebellion by the Duke of Monmouth, bastard son of Charles II and a fanatical Protestant. In the spirit of loyalty to crown and country, the English people and all the opposition closed ranks behind King James. Monmouth was defeated and executed. The whole affair gave James II a boost in the public opinion of the day. Can anyone say 911? Immediately after this, James began to enact his program.
...."James was now at the height of his power...he proposed to his Council the repeal of the ....(religious) Test Act and the Habeus Corpus Act...In the emergency (of Monmouth's ....failed invasion) he had given many commissions to Catholic officers (in violation of ....the Test Act). He was determined to retain them in his new, tripled army.
...."The Commons offered...to strengthen the royal forces. They only asked, with profuse ....expressions of devotion, for reassurance that Acts of Parliament should not be set ....aside by (royal) Prerogative, and for comforting words about the security of the ....Protestant religion. The King gave a forbidding answer."
Does the Commons remind you of Congress?
But some members of Commons succeeded in throwing the King's program into the courts:
...."Judges were invited to pronounce upon the lawfulness of the King's proceedings. James ....had not yet paced the Bench with his partisans...He therefore...summoned the Commons ....to the Bar, and prorogued Parliament. It never met again while he was King...(he) ....proceeded throughout 1686 to relieve his fellow religionists. First he desired to dispense ....with the Test against Catholics in the Army...after various dismissals and appointments .... the Bench assumed a new complexion...a test case was arranged. (the defendant, an ....accused violator of the Test Act) pleaded the royal dispensing power as his defence. ....The court agreed.
...."At the same time Roman Catholic peers were admitted to the Privy Council. He set up ....an Ecclesiastical Commission...the main function of which was to prevent Anglican ....clergy from preaching against Catholicism.
...."These actions disturbed the whole realm. The methods of absolutism were being used ....to restore the Catholic religion, more dreaded than absolutism itself. Lawyers discerned ....that a direct conflict between statuary law and Royal Prerogative had arisen."
Gee, court packing and test cases; rewriting the local charters (redistricting); religious partisans appointed to the government. Like I said, Bush is doing just what James did. And, like then, a few brave people have fought the tyrant.
And just as we see honest conservatives appalled by Bush, so it was in England:
...."By the end of the year James had driven away many of his most faithful friends and ....disquieted everybody.
...."During the whole of 1686 and 1687 James held Parliament in abeyance, and used his ....dispensing power to introduce Roman Catholics into key positions. Whigs and Tories ....drew closer together. James was uniting the party that had challenged his brother ....(Charles II) with the party that had rallied so ardently to his brother's defence."
With both, the blatant courtship of the military proceeded apace:
...."Meanwhile James was raising and preparing his Army...The King went often to the ....(army) camp, seeking to make himself popular with the officers and all ranks. He ....allowed Mass to be celebrated in a wooden chapel borne on wheels and placed in ....the centre of the camp...He continued his infusion of Catholic officers and Irish ....recruits...He increasingly promoted Catholics to key posts.
Shades of PNAC nutcases running the Pentagon and fundamentalist nutcase generals and colonels in key positions. And, didn't Bush II quote some codeword fundie passage in the Carrier Stunt.
The defining feature of both these autocrats was their relentless and duplicitous encroachments on the status quo and their constant provocation of anyone who got in their way.
...."The provocations of royal policy continued. The first Declaration of Indulgence was ....issued. It did precisely what James's Parliament had objected to in advance: it set ....aside statutory acts by Royal Prerogative.
...."The King had, in modern parlance, set up his political platform. The second step was ....to create a party machine, and the third to secure by its agency a Parliament with a ....mandate for the repeal of the Tests. The narrow franchise could be manipulated in ....the country(-side) by the Lord-Lieutenants (sort of regional governors) and by the ....magistrates, and in the towns and cities by the corporations...Lord-Lieutenants who ....refused to help pack a favorable Parliament were dismissed...The municipal corporations ....and the benches of magistrates were drastically remodelled so as to secure the ....fullest representation of Papists...
"Manipulating the franchise", "packing a favorable Parliament", "remodeling the Bench". The English have "been there, done that". America has not. Not even in the Civil War did America ever stoop to manipulating the franchise. But, by all evidence available, that is exactly what Bush did in 2000. By 2002, with the deliberate cancellation of exit polls and the deliberate funding of known-insecure and known- manipulable voting machines, we are now without even physical evidence. 2004 will only be worse. That is why I said above that we have run out of time.
At this point, there is but one thing that can save America. And that thing is for all the so-called conservatives in this country to wake up and smell the coffee. We need to put the focus on Bush and all the outrageous things he is doing.
...."The old Catholic families in England however, apart from favored individuals, were ....deeply apprehensive of the headlong adventure upon which the King was launching ....them. The Pope himself,..deprecated James's excessive zeal...But the King hardened ....his heart and strengthened the Army."
One final similarity - even the Pope says to knock it off, but both wannabe dictators tell him to stuff it.
Ladies and gentelmen, this amateur historian rests his case for Bush II as James II redux with a snippet of a book review:
...."England has had many disastrous monarchs, but perhaps none quite as inept as James II. ....From a position of strength at his accession in 1685, he rapidly managed to alienate the ....monarchy's natural supporters and, by the time of William of Orange's invasion in late 1688, ....even his own standing army was beginning to desert him. The puzzle is that, as duke of ....York, James appears to have been quite a successful soldier and administrator. The ....discrepancy is usually explained on the grounds that James must have experienced a ....rapid and sudden decline in later life, perhaps as a result of contracting syphilis. The ....favorable view of James's early life, however, rests on an uncritical overreliance on ....James's semiautobiograhical Life, a highly problematic source that can scarcely be taken ....at face value. By using a wealth of other documentary evidence—official reports, ....memoranda, letters, personal diaries, and narratives—John Callow, in his superb ....biography of James before he became king, offers a more realistic assessment. The ....conclusion seems clear: James was not tragically cut down in later life by prolonged ....physical and mental deterioration (and he certainly never had syphilis); he had always ....been inept."
.... -"The Making of King James II: The Formative Years of a Fallen King." ....by John Callow, New York: Sutton Publishing. 2000. Pp. ix, 373. $32.95.
Bush II may prove to be the most inept and disastrous American president ever, and that is only if we manage to get rid of him now. Otherwise, he could approach world historical levels of disastrousness and could make the name of America as ignominious as that of the later Roman Empire.