This is from the 12/03 Atlantic Monthly. I love how they spin the good work Soros is doing to combat the FCC ownership rules (or lack thereof). They call the 4 groups Soros has given money to as the "Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse" who are engaged in "anti-business crusades."
Among his benficiaries in this case are four closely coordinated groups, the Media Access Project (MAP)($600,000 from 2000 to 2002), the Consumers Union ($90,000 in 2001-02), the Consumer Federation of America ($80,000 in 2000) and the Center for Media Education (which has morphed into the Center for Digital Democracy)($175,000 from 1999 to 2001).
Moreover, the Four Horsemen fight not only to control the airwaves, the Journal reports that a few "also played roles in promoting the campaign finance laws that have given Mr. Soros and his cash such a big political advantage. Combine their funding with the $1.7 million that Mr. Soros gave the Center for Public Integrity, the $1.3 million he gave Public Campaign, the $300,000 to Democracy 21, the $625,000 to Common Cause, and the $275,000 to Public Citizen – and you can be forgiven for believing Mr. Soros got campaign finance passed all by himself."
All of these groups share Soros' view that public policy should be decided by self-appointed elites such as themselves. Their own political success gives the lie to their contention that somehow Big Media dominate our public policy debates. And with the new limits on what other Americans can donate to political campaigns, and even on when they can run TV advertising, the Soroses of the world will wield even more influence. Which is, of course, their point.
more (if you can stand it):