Yes the idiots are running short of bullets. Saw Hack on Scarbourough tonight (only 2nd time I've ever watched - at least Repuke Scarborough is reporting on shortage of Kevlar vests and now ammo and is saying Congress needs to get investigate this). BTW, Hack mentioned that while they claim to be running 3 shifts making ammo one of the shifts was a maintenance shift.“Bang, bang. You're dead.”
Neighborhood kids playing soldier in an empty lot with wooden rifles?
Nope! Regular United States warriors, during Exercise Crocodile ‘03 at Shoalwater Bay, Australia, “fighting” an Aussie reserve unit.
“We were loaded down with far more blank ammunition than we could fit in our ammunition pouches, but when we made ‘contact’ with the Yanks, we found that many of them had almost no blank training rounds,” Aussie Pvt. Simon Parmiter said.
I posted a “help wanted” ad on my web page, and within 24 hours had received more than 500 messages from serving Army troops in the United States preparing for deployment to hot battlefields like Iraq or Afghanistan, as well as from warriors all over the world, confirming that our soldiers don’t have sufficient stocks of live or blank training ammo to prepare adequately for combat.
A regular Army major just back from Iraq says: “President Bush told the armed forces, ‘Help is on the way.’ But in Iraq and now in the training business, I’ve seen very little help, but a whole lot of pork.”