I don't know if any of you have signed up for the Progressive Secretary news service, but it's an easy way to send Washington timely letters on progressive concerns.
The PS is in need of funds as most progressive services don't care to beg for corporate benevolence.
Below you will find a letter I received from the founder.
Check it out and help if you can.
Thank you for reading this email about Progressive Secretary
finances. We need your help!
In 1998, after I was disabled from leukemia and living on a very
limited income, I began
Progressive Secretary with my own funds, because I believed deeply that
more letters from
progressives are needed in the struggle for peace and justice.
I continue to finance it myself, aided by generous contributions sent
in by people like
you. In the beginning Progressive Secretary required only a home
computer, software for
letter writing and databases, and my limited computer programming
But today, with more than 6,000 members and an annual output of more
than 200 letters, a
volunteer staff of over 150, our costs are increasing. We need several
multiple internet connections, software, space, and a variety of other
expenses including
staff and office expenses.
I've retained a computer programming firm to help us send letters to
your congress
person's web site. Their November bill is $3,400, and I'm behind in
paying it.
Future Congress people will undoubtedly use sophisticated technology to
detect computer
generated letters, and I hope to raise enough funds to keep our
technology up date, and to
make Progressive Secretary even easier to use.
In order to grow, we must get the word out, and that too costs money.
Your contributions can keep Progressive Secretary technology up to date
and help get the
word out.
We welcome your help!
Checks should be sent to:
Jim Harris
9153 Rundelay Way
Sacramento CA 95826
A PayPal account is set up for credit card payments. It is a secure
site, and, although
they ask you to "join," I have not had reports of problems.
https://www.paypal.com/xclick/business=jim%40progressivesecretary.org< > I prefer to make a tax deductible donation
< > Send me a self addressed envelope.
(Place an X between the two brackets that look like a box.)
Jim Harris <Jim@progressivesecretary.org>
Make Your Voice Heard. Enroll in
http://www.ProgressiveSecretary.Org.Please include this letter with your reply.