here's something to bring up in light of Bush's policy that I didn't really understand, why is it that the Republicans that are softest on immigration aside from NE moderates, are usually ones from the southwest and border states? While lurking on FR I've frequently seen them whine about McCain, Kolbe, Flake and Republicans from New Mexico and SoCal being soft on immigration and sponsoring bills allowing easier visas and green cards for illegal immigrants, blah blah blah. Even Tom DeLay's record on immigration is a bit less neandrathalic than some of his collegues up north. In 2002, he voted the American Conservative Union position on their 25 selected issues 23 times. one of the two where he didn't was a bill extending the amount of time illegal immigrants could stay in the US. It seems to me that coming from heavily Republican districts, they would have racist, freeperish constituenties that would care about this issue more than others and would demand they crack down on immigration, hence it seems Republicans from border areas should be the toughest on immigration. And they obviously aren't pleasing the freepers, so then why is this?