...Karl Rove.
No longer a "shadow warrior" and purveryor of clandestine "by any means necessary" attacks, Rove is the subject of two high-profile, leave-no-stone-unturned books. He also appears prominently in the rest of the Bush books that came out this year, such as "Bushwhacked," "Lies of George W. Bush," and "Fraud."
He had a nice little situation going for him when he was primarily known by politicos and media insiders, but things have changed. Every reporter in print and on screen who is NOT on the GOP payroll is taking careful note of Bush's policy and spin tactics and responding with an ever-increasing refrain of "that came from Karl Rove."
He has a limited bag of dirty tricks, he has established a well-deserved reputation, he has a pathetically easy to spot M.O., and "spin" will be synonymous with "Bush" as long as he's on the payroll. Check out this Reuters story that surfaced on Yahoo today for proof:
http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&cid=584&e=3&u=/nm/20040110/pl_nm/economy_bush_dc"In a rare reference to stocks, he said: "Stock market wealth has increased by more than $3 trillion over the past year."
Bush also sought to put the best possible spin on the job market. In December, the unemployment rate fell to 5.7 percent, down from 5.9 percent in November.
The decline was mainly because 309,000 people dropped out of the work force."
It doesn't seem like the reporter on this story (Adam Entous) is buying it...dontcha think?
:toast: :toast: