Liberal Thought Process! by: taxcutswork 01/09/04 02:15 pm Msg: 247 of 3618 1 recommendation Bush took us to war because of Haliburton
(Bong Hit)
Bush got "C's" in college so he is not smart enough to be president so I am going to vote for AL Gore (C-Student in college)
(Bong Hit)
Eventhough Bush has 4 cabinet positions filled by Blacks (compared to Clinton's 1) he'a racist.
(Bong Hit)
Eventhough bush has 494,000 different donars (much more than all the democratic candidates combined) it's only the Rich that support him.
(Bong Hit)
Just because he has a Harvard MBA, and passed the required tests that the military makes you take to fly Jets - He is still an Idiot!
(Bong Hit)
Bush personally outed the CIA Desk Jockey to Robert Novak.
(Bong Hit)
It's not fair that the people that pay the most taxes get the biggest tax breaks.
(Bong Hit)
A secular, tax raising, Gay Marriage supporting pacifist from the NE can win the presidency............
(Several more Bong Hits)
ok -- here's the comeback:
Re: CON Thought Process! by: spetrie5 (26/F/Detroit Suburbs) 01/09/04 02:22 pm Msg: 260 of 3610 11 recommendations Bush took us to war b/c there were WMDs
(Snort a line)
Bush's cabinet is great - he filled it with his daddy's friends, and they're all smart
(Snort a line & chug a beer)
Bush might spend a lot of time on vacation, but there's no way he could have prevented 9/11
(Snort a line)
He passed the military tests - so it doesn't matter that he went AWOL. Besides, he looks good in a flight suit
(Snort a line, chug a beer, choke on a pretzel)
Bush is so respected - his daughters cleaned up their act after getting caught twice drinking when they were under age. Obviously if his kids respect him so much, everyone else will, too
(Snort a line and write a check to the NRA)
Bush isn't a hypocrite - just because he had his daddy help him get an illegal abortion for his college girlfriend doesn't mean he can't preach about life now
(Snort a line)
He'll win the next election in a landslide
(Snort a line)
Posted as a reply to: Msg 247 by taxcutswork