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If the Dem candidates don't shape up, Bush is going to win

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Deja Q Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-11-04 12:02 AM
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If the Dem candidates don't shape up, Bush is going to win
From Compuserve:

Democratic rivals are tearing each other asunder, exposing weaknesses that Republicans might exploit in the general election, while the incumbent sits on the sidelines, surveying the carnage.

Even front-runner Howard Dean, who leads in polls and picked up a key endorsement Friday from Iowa Sen. Tom Harkin, has experienced troubles that could haunt him if he wins the nomination. He has waffled on tax cuts. He wouldn't take a stand on Osama bin Laden's legal standing. Years-old tapes forced Dean to explain past comments. And he has been forced to defend a record as Vermont governor that doesn't always square with the antiestablishment image he covets.

Not to mention what rivals say about Dean, and each other.

``There's a very clear contrast here,'' said Republican Party chairman Ed Gillespie. ``While the president is attacking the issues that confront us as a nation, the Democrats are attacking each other, and attacking the president.''


``It's a huge advantage,'' said Joe Gaylord, a GOP strategist in Washington. ``One thing Americans respect is a president of either party who is doing the job he was elected to do. President Bush has an advantage by not having any primary opposition and being able to travel above the fray while the rest of these guys are ripping each other apart.''

Except Bush is attacking the issues by spouting lip service, then dumping the problem as if it never had existed and goes back to masturbating his corporate buddies and urinating on the rest of us, calling it "trickle down economics".

Worse, if Americans think Bush has done a great job for even an attosecond, they've allowed themselves to be duped. Bush may not be a genius for leading, but Americans like to be geniuses for wanting to be led.

But the fact remains, the candidates have been acting like toddlers in a sandbox and the repukes are taking full advantage.

Ya know, we Democrats have to snap back using the same attitude. If they want to play rough, we have to play rough too - but only with more cunning.

Also note the repukes are up to the usual campaign of "tax cuts". We all love the concept of tax cuts, but we with brains know by now that the rich get the money while the rest of us usually don't get enough back to cover 1 month's car payment combined with credit card payment! ($300 isn't exactly much in terms of a tax dividend... that's what we get but somehow the people seem to think they're going to get a tangible cut when they vote for the smoke and mirrors. They don't. Yet they allow themselves to be fooled time and again. The repukes use a tried and tested gimmick that's simple and easy to understand. Isn't it about time that WE use the same tactic, appealing to peoples' senses of fairness and humanity?)
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Skwmom Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-11-04 01:43 AM
Response to Original message
1. The Republicans want the information on Dean
to come out in the general election. In addition, do you think muzzling the Democratic candidates in the primary election is going to keep the truth from coming out about Howard Dean in the general election (if we're crazy enough to nominate him).
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ClintonTyree Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-11-04 02:07 AM
Response to Reply #1
2. Let me get this straight.............
your thinking is that one of the Democrats that is behind Dean in the primaries will be a better choice because they WON'T attack them? Absurd. Whoever gets the nod is going to be attacked mercilessly. Dean is in front now, he's the primary target. If Clark or Kerry were to be the nomination you're saying that they won't be able to attack them?
People's hate of Dean is unfounded and lacks logic. We have to fight back this time, not let them frame the debate and make the rules of engagement.
Whomever is our candidate is going to get trashed. We have to gird our loins and be ready to take those attacks and be able to counter attack. In politics the best defense is a good offense. We have to take the fight to them and be relentless. No more freakin' Mr. nice guy.
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pasadenaboy Donating Member (877 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-11-04 02:29 AM
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3. there is a difference
I have no problem with candidates bringing the records of others and attacking policies, but the personal attacks (He is not qualified, he will lead us into recession, etc) is fodder for republicans.

All the facts will come out eventually, so they might as well come out now.
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