Edited on Sun Jan-11-04 09:32 AM by PATRICK
I think, according to their stated priorities before election year raised its ugly head, very well define their parameters in space. All else will be the same empty promises and cons that have lured the idealistic into going along in every single one of Bush's positive sounding policies.
Is this a "No Astronaut Left Behind" program? Unfunded, misdirected, actually harmful policies mask the true intention.
They want to erase "competition" in outer space and not just spy satellites. They want shields Buck Rogers weaponizing, as a tool of intimidation and dominance as well as a future damp on the threat of disseminating opposing views(aka the truth) via telecommunications and the Internet. SDI, the atomic shield, this is the Fortress Fascism dream nowadays with the poor and foreign levies doing the necessary outside dirty work among those populations our puppets can't control or milk properly. This is what they have ranting about while cutting NASA funds and total silence about this current "bold" Kennedyesque initiative.
The only way to get a man on Mars is through international effort such as has been going on in Germany and Japan in specific areas and partition of labor for some time. Hot-dogging it for the glory is simply too expensive for the Bush Scrooge dynasty. International cooperation! Science! Non-military uses! The trade-offs if we were to take this garbage seriously would be ruinous and just another way of crippling democracy. This is the Arsenal of Democracy turned against democracy itself- even from outer space.
It's like watching the Devil pray. It's the Big Lie and it's still not polite to accuse Bush in public.