A lot of people are of the opinion that Bush the Former layed down for Bill Clinton in 92, in order to pull off the "Christmas Surprise" pardons of Cappy Weinberger and the IranContraFive that saved his sorry wrinkled ass- something that he wouldn't have been able to do if re-elected. the Lil'Dictator has already accomplished two major PNAC goals of his presidency- the removal of Saddaam Hussein from power, and the harvesting of the U.S. budget surplus into the hands of the aristocracy, further eroding that pesky middle class.
the bills are about to come do on all the checks that have been written over the past 4 years- this is where the real work is going to start, and tough decisions will have to be made. Republicans cannot be allowed to raise taxes- that has to be layed on Democratic shoulders...and increases are inevitable. as are high interest rates. and an even bleaker economy.
Repuglicans don't know how to create wealth and budget surplusses, they only know how to harvest them- It's the Democrats who have the ability to sow the seeds, and allow the economy to grow and thrive.
and besides, that $200million plus campaign "warchest" will make a nice little nest-egg for him and pickles, should he decide not to use it all up before November, and allow himself to coast to a narrow loss in 2004. The repukes will look to hold onto the senate and house, and allow the democratic president to take the heat for higher interest rates and taxes of the very near future. and whether it takes 4, or 8 years to start bringing in the sheaves again, Jebthro will be there to collect the bounty for the wealthy once again.