THIS is important news and an important soundbite: The US soldier deaths in Iraq in less than one year have ALREADY surpassed the death toll in Vietnam in the first THREE years.
We MUST raise hell about this immoral and perverted war for Bush's bloody oil profits and Cheney's slimey Halliburton contracts.
"In November, U.S. casualties in Iraq surpassed the number of Americans killed in the first three years of the Vietnam War, according to a Reuters analysis of Pentagon statistics."
Link: this rate if the conflict continues on the same trajectory as Vietnam we can expect a total death toll of 180,000 American soldier deaths and possibly millions wounded before this PNAC/DLC/BFEE/Stephens Group war is done.
We DID kill millions in Vietnam.
We have become the Fourth Reich.
Do we care enough to WIN in 2004?