The really important WMD.
The new type of WMD that the pentagon is not telling anyone about.
The new WMD that are being transfered home secretly.
The " WMD = Wounded Mortally Dead " type of wounded that cling to life, but despite all efforts to save them, die after being transfered out of Iraq and are not reported on the news with the others killed in country.
Maybe WMD is not quite right since Iraq weapons of mass destruction are no longer being produced & mortally wounded soldiers production continues.
How about " MWC " = Mortally Wounded Casuality ?
That seems like meeting the military leaders halfway. The media does not report they are dead just reports how many there are.
Now back to the orginal question and "too many" goes without saying, the first one was too many.
How many Soldiers are coming home in body bags without being listed along with the first 500 to pay the ultimate price ?