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What do you think of this anti-Bush website? (over 1,000 pages!)

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JailForBush Donating Member (753 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-12-04 01:54 AM
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What do you think of this anti-Bush website? (over 1,000 pages!)
Please check out

This particular page is part of a website that focuses on Microsoft corruption. However, it's a blueprint for a much grander idea: As many as half a dozen websites with as many as 300 cross-referenced pages each, generally attacking George W. Bush and corporate corruption.

This page isn't finished, and most of the links lead nowhere, but I'd like to solicit some opinions.

What do you think of the overall appearance? Any suggestions for improvements?

Please note these special features:

In the navigation menu in the top right corner, click Control Panel, then, under "Choose a Theme," click Patriotism, Nattionalism, Peace, War, 9/11, etc. Does the page change in appearance? Does it strike you as a "cool" feature, or is it lame?

If you aren't using pop-up blockers, click Quick Links > Remote Control (under "Choose Another State"). In the window that pops up you'll find a list of links. The only pages online are Freedomware Homw (the first link) and Alaska. Does this feature work for you?

Under Control Panel, you'll find another Remote Control to access tools, like a calendar and calculator. I don't think they're online yet, though.

Do you have any suggestions for improving this page?

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Bhaisahab Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-12-04 02:54 AM
Response to Original message
1. keep it simple?
there's too many scripts running on that page dont u think? javascripts dont work very well on my opera browser. you should keep it simple and neat... lemme know if i can help...
cheerio and good luck!
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JailForBush Donating Member (753 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-12-04 03:15 AM
Response to Reply #1
2. Thanks for the tip.
I could probably start by deleting the "typewriter" script. I hate to part with the style switchers and "SwapClass," as they contribute so much.
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Rabrrrrrr Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-12-04 03:19 AM
Response to Reply #2
4. Oh yeah, and totally kill the typewriter script.
it's annoying.

Or else find a way to get ALl the content on the page first, and then have the script play, but in a way that the user doesn't have to wait for it before moving to anothe page. one of the more annoying things on the web are times when a web page FORCES you to sit and wait for an ad or other item to finish before moving on.
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Rabrrrrrr Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-12-04 03:17 AM
Response to Original message
3. I think you need a book on interface design
while the programming is pretty clever, the interface is unweildy and reeks of "I can program this fancy stuff, so here it all is!!"

The site is really difficult to understand - when people go to a website, they want information, not flashiness. On the top of the first page, in the part that will show up in every person's browser without needing to scroll down, you need to have a) information about what the site is and what's in it (a few sentences is all that's needed), and b) directions on use and/or an obvious interface design that will immediately clue people in as to how to use the site.

You have A LOT of wasted empty space at the top of the page, in which you should be putting links. And not just those three links off to the right - the links that are within those three links should either ALL be visible, or else the three links you have there should be moved to the left. And it's cool the way you have the script that opens up each of the three links when clicked, but that little window thing it opens up should close itself as soon as somethign in that box has been chosen, instead of staying open and hogging real estate.

And the reason for moving those three left is that, on most pages on the web, the right side is left for advertisements, and left is used for content. So, your three links on the right don't immediately appear to be part of the page.

Bells and whistles and flashiness are fine, but the content and ESPECIALLY the interface need to be thought out first.

My objective review, if I were someone who had somehow stumbled across your website: I'd leave it almost immediately, and never return, because I have no idea what it's about, why it's there, or how I'm supposed to use it.

A harsh review? Maybe. But it's also honest, and I don't demean you as a person or a designer at all. I only point out what I see as flaws.
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JailForBush Donating Member (753 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-12-04 03:42 AM
Response to Reply #3
5. Response...
You wrote, "While the programming is pretty clever, the interface is unweildy and reeks of "I can program this fancy stuff, so here it all is!!"

Wow, and I thought I was keeping it simple!

"The site is really difficult to understand - when people go to a website, they want information, not flashiness. On the top of the first page, in the part that will show up in every person's browser without needing to scroll down, you need to have a) information about what the site is and what's in it (a few sentences is all that's needed), and b) directions on use and/or an obvious interface design that will immediately clue people in as to how to use the site."

I'll give that some thought, though it might be less important once the entire site is online. Most people will be visiting pages for the 50 states (and the world's nations) from the home page, or another top page that explains the site's purpose and goals. I'd like to try to keep the individual state pages (e.g. Alaska) fairly simple, with little more than the title, subtitle and a representative quote at the top.

"You have A LOT of wasted empty space at the top of the page, in which you should be putting links."

I left some empty space in case people increase the text size dramatically, pushing the top text down. I might be able to redesign it so that the main elements rise and fall with the top text, allowing me to eliminate some of the extra text.

"And not just those three links off to the right - the links that are within those three links should either ALL be visible, or else the three links you have there should be moved to the left. . . .

"And the reason for moving those three left is that, on most pages on the web, the right side is left for advertisements, and left is used for content. So, your three links on the right don't immediately appear to be part of the page."

That's another tough one; there isn't much space on the left. Also, I probably won't have any ads on these pages for the simple reason that no one purchases ads on political pages. In fact, I lost all my advertising (about $500 a month) on my NON-POLITICAL sites, apparently because I criticized George W. Bush on another website shortly after 9/11.

"And it's cool the way you have the script that opens up each of the three links when clicked, but that little window thing it opens up should close itself as soon as somethign in that box has been chosen, instead of staying open and hogging real estate."

Yes, that's something I need to fix. It's called a SwapClass JavaScript, and there's a way to program it so that it doesn't open unless someone clicks on it.

"My objective review, if I were someone who had somehow stumbled across your website: I'd leave it almost immediately, and never return, because I have no idea what it's about, why it's there, or how I'm supposed to use it."

That's something else I have to work on. Some of the features won't be available to all users, depending largely on their browsers. So I'll have to include a prominent message telling them as much. That's basically what the "Control Panel" in the top right corner is all about. It will include many extra features and directions for using them.

But I can start by nixing the Typewriter script and fixing the SwapClass navigation menu.

Thanks again for the tips.
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