"We salute the American people in their recent selection of George W. Bush as president.
Initially, the rationalization behind Mr. Bush's victory puzzled us. Although the Texan handily captured the coveted ignorant white trash vote, very few people seemed positioned to benefit from a Bush administration. (In fact, this group was limited to only one person: Dr. Carter Theodore III, a moneyed anti-environment enthusiast whose daughter was recently murdered by a mentally retarded 11-year-old black man.)
In the months following the election, The Lowbrow Reader has recognized the foresight of the American voting populace. From Justice Rehnquist to Justice Scalia, the American people have spoken not for a George W. Bush administration, but rather for a Will Ferrell one."
"This is the essence of George W. Bush, who will guide America into its inevitable plunge -- at least on Saturday night, we can go to bed knowing things are safe in the able hands of our newly elected fool, Will Ferrell. May he guide us into the gulf with a grin. "
I've been watching SNL reruns..it seems that O'Neill has made it seem that our pres. is more like Ferrell's character than we ever thought! The old article even predicted action in the gulf!