's Pot War Feds promoting prohibition--in Ghana
By G. Pascal Zachary
WHAT IF a poor African country could grow a plant that would fetch healthy prices in the U.S? What if the plant was harvested on small farms, encouraging democracy in this poor African country by putting cash into the hands of its poorest and most powerless people? What if such a crop would reduce the poor African country's dependence on U.S. aid?
Of course, America's government would cheer such a plant and the country that grows it. And President George Bush would be especially happy, since improving living standards in Africa is supposed to be one of his key global objectives.
Such a crop does exist, and an African country is growing it in good measure. Yet President Bush isn't cheering. Worse, the Bush administration is fighting a war against the plant and the farmers of the poor African country that grows it.
The country is Ghana, in West Africa, and the plant is cannabis or "ganja," the term preferred by Ghanaians. Marijuana grown in Ghana is of good quality, plentiful and relatively inexpensive. Twenty neatly rolled sticks of pot, or about half an ounce, sell for about $3 American. That's right, good pot sells for $6 an ounce in Ghana. Here is the highest stage of capitalism--the free market--in action...more at the link-
if nothing else, I think that I've identified the country I'll be emigrating to if/when the Lil'Dictator re-seizes power in November...