Looney Toons Tom Feeney actually said this on Scarbourough's show Friday - I've been waiting for the transcript to come up to post here. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/3939584/REP. TOM FEENEY ®, FLORIDA: Well, in the first place, Joe, I actually am very excited about the president‘s proposal, even though I‘m one of the leading fiscal conservatives, voted against the recent Medicare proposal, partly because it does bust our budget, in my view.
But let me say this. Bottom line, Joe, exploration is important. Research is important. But somebody on the face of the Earth is going to control and dominate space in the next several decades and centuries. If it‘s not the United States, it may be a hostile nation, a hostile set of nations, or even a hostile or rogue terrorist group.
FEENEY: And I think America is the only country with the moral capability and authority to establish what I consider a Monroe Doctrine in space, guarantee all free nations can use space, but no hostile nation will use it to take us over.
If a Dem president had proposed reviving the space program on this grand scale and a Dem congress critter said this it would be all over Faux, CNN, MSNBC, Washington Times, ridiculed up one side and down another. I nominated Feeney for DU Idiot Award.