Former Secretary of the Treasury, Paul O'Neill, was featured in the lead story of the TV news magazine 60 Minutes on Sunday January 11, 2004. He should be applauded for his brave, patriotic exposition that the Emporer has no clothes. In the story by Leslie Stahl, Mr. O'Neill revealed that the Bush Administration, contrary to the platform they were running on (i.e."being a humble nation" and "not engaging in nation-building")in the run-up to the 2000 Presidential election, was determined to go to war with Iraq.
One quote that was particularly interesting was one made by Dick Cheney. When confronted by O'Neill in discussing tax-cuts along with spending increases Cheney said "Reagan proved that deficits don't matter". Interesting comment coming from a so-called "conservative." And since deficits don't matter, according to Cheney, I wonder why it is that we can't spend billions on providing a National Healthcare System like they enjoy in Canada? Or why seniors have to pay for prescriptions at all?
But getting back to the Iraq lies, what I find especially disturbing is that soo much contradictory information about this administrations' claims about Iraq rarely, if ever saw the light of day as far as the corporate-owned and controlled mainstream media is concerned. My question is what liberal media? They operated and still operate as the private propaganda ministers of Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, Perle, Bush (Project For a New American Century)and Powell. Powell's son sits as the head of the FCC as you well know. This man is the people's watchdog over a free press? Talk about conflict of interest....
What we were fed as "news" in the run-up propaganda campaign to the Orwellian "preventive war" were programs such as MSNBC's "Countdown Iraq" or "Showdown with Saddam" - as if the only people that would be suffering from a US military onslaught were, not the innocent civilians of Iraq, but Saddam Hussein, and designed not to educate the viewing public about the histories and backgrounds and interests involved, but to ramp-up a war feeling in the country that had the repercussions of stiffling dissent and questioning people's patriotism. All this happening on the basis of a war smothered in lies and deception. Please tell me who the patriotic ones are now?
I suggest you find a copy of a documentary titled "Uncovered: The Whole Truth About The War In Iraq". It is chock-full of insiders from the Pentagon to the CIA to the State Dept. who shine a light on this most dreadful of any US Presidential Administrations. I'd like to know what you plan to do about this administrations lies, obfuscations and deceptions regarding Iraq, food safety, clean air act, and any other bait-and-switch tactics they have up their sleeve. Absolutely disgusting.
FYI. My entire family of voting age is registered and we will be heard in November.